Discover the Fascinating Evolution of Oil Painting through Time – Part 2

the dream of saint joseph george

Reading Time: 6 minutes I. Origins of oil painting A. Discovery of oil paint in Northern Europe We have discussed The Evolution of Oil Painting in previous part. The discovery of oil paint in Northern Europe can be traced back to the 15th century. Prior to this, painters primarily used egg tempera and fresco as their mediums, but they … Read more

Discover the Fascinating Evolution of Oil Painting through Time – Part 3

Girl with a Pearl Earring.jpg

Reading Time: 9 minutes I. Baroque period A. Rise of oil painting as a decorative art form Development of techniques such as chiaroscuro and tenebrism In previous part we have discussed the Origins of oil painting. Now, we will discuss Chiaroscuro and Tenebrism. They are two very similar techniques used in relation to the treatment of light and dark within … Read more

Discover the Fascinating Evolution of Oil Painting through Time – Part 4


Reading Time: 4 minutes I. 20th century and beyond A.Continued evolution of oil painting as a medium We have discuss Baroque Period in previous part. In the mid-19th century, as painters explored new approaches and developed new movements, oil as a medium followed. In the 1872 painting “Impression, Sunrise,” for which the Impressionist movement was named, Monet used oil … Read more

Discover the Fascinating Evolution of Oil Painting through Time – Part 1

Jan Van Eyck painting

Reading Time: 2 minutes The history of oil painting and its evolution over time In this 4 part blog series we will discuss The Evolution of  Oil painting. It is a medium that has a rich history, dating back to the 15th century. The origins of oil painting can be traced back to Northern Europe, where painters began experimenting with … Read more

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